Project title: The Community Hub
Applicant and Delivery Partners: Projekt DOM.ov (beneficiary), Cesta von and Združenie pre lepší život
Project Description and Target gropus: Establishing a space for residents and stakeholders fosters community cohesion and healthy relationships. Activities provided in this hub will help combat prejudice and stereotypes.
Approximately 25 residents will actively participate in the Project activities, alongside the Delivery Partners and three secondary Project partners (Municipality of Kecerovce, Spojená škola Alejova, and Zdravé regióny). After the Project’s implementation, around 80 residents per month are expected to benefit from the hub’s activities.
Main Challenges addressed: The lack of space for local stakeholders and residents in the Košice and Prešov regions has led to stagnation in community development. NGOs operating in these regions struggle to promptly address residents‘ needs and issues effectively. Local stakeholders, often working individually, risk duplicating services, resulting in inefficiency. Enhanced connection, cooperation, and flexibility between local stakeholders and residents are crucial for fostering cohesion, confidence, and community development across the region.
Currently, NGOs and marginalized communities face increasing pressure and negative responses. Society is more polarized than ever, with heightened societal tensions. Strengthening these communities involves building genuine partnerships, not just on paper but through active collaboration and healthy relationships. The Košice and Prešov regions have significant Roma populations living in marginalized settlements. Local stakeholders provide a variety of essential services that the government does not, playing a crucial role in supporting changes and improving lives in these communities.
Project duration: September 2024 – February 2025